User Auto Enrolment Plugin- Feature for LMS

a plugin made by Krishworks that fetches user data from excel and automatically adds them to courses in any LMS.

A plugin that automatically fetches user data from an excel sheet and adds them as LMS users.This software was made for our client Serein Inc for their existing Learndash LMS. A plugin is a software component that is added to an existing software or apps to enhance its features.

Need a custom software tool or a new feature for your app?
a plugin made by Krishworks that fetches user data from excel and automatically adds them to courses in any LMS.

About User Enrolment Plugin

Suppose you have a Learndash LMS where you need to add users and their details manually. Adding details of a chunk of users under specified groups and specific courses becomes a herculean task if the data is huge.

To address this problem and to make the work easier, we created a user enrolment plugin wherein admins can just fill up an excel sheet in a particular format & the plugin will itself fetch the information and add the users. The work can be verified by viewing the users in the LMS portal by the admin.

Features & Purpose Of
This Application

It can fetch user data from an excel sheet and add those to an LMS for adding new users.

It can fetch user data from an excel sheet and add those to an LMS for adding new users.

It can fetch data from an excel sheet and enrol a chunk of users to specific courses.

It can fetch data from an excel sheet and enrol a chunk of users to specific courses.

It can fetch user data from excel and assign them group IDs and add them to specific groups.

It can fetch user data from excel and assign them group IDs and add them to specific groups.

Automatically assigns a chunk of users to different groups/ courses without manually adding each user each time.

Automatically assigns a chunk of users to different groups/ courses without manually adding each user each time.

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